Roland Schwegler
Member Nº 5921
Madrid Professional Association of Physiotherapy
Official degree in physiotherapy at the “Krankengyumnastik-Schule Neustadt/Wstr”, Germany. April 1998.
Professional career
I have worked in the physiotherapy clinic “Mosch” in Schifferstadt, specialising in manual therapy and orthopaedic and post-operative treatments.
I have completed courses in manual therapy (Maitland), lymphatic drainage (Vodder Method) and Dorn Therapy.
From 2000 I worked as a freelance in Madrid for the Clínica Médico-Estético Orel, Centro de Fisioterapia Zulaica and private patients.
Since 2006 in the Chamberí district.
Roland Schwegler
Member Nº 5921
Physiotherapy Studio in Madrid
Request for an appointment
From 10,00 to 20,00 (previous appointment)
House calls : From 10,00 to 14,00 hours
C/ del Castillo 13, local | 28010 Madrid
Underground “Iglesia”